Change it is a comin’

May 5, 2010

Yesterday I posted a quote on Facebook, “At the end of the day it’s not what anyone else thinks of you, but what you think of yourself that’s important.”  I truly believe this statement, except perhaps when it comes to my writing.  For my writing I would re-write that statement to read, “At the end of the day it’s not what you think of your writing, but what the potential agents, editors and publishers think.”

Too often writers become so invested in what they’ve produced that they refuse to make any changes to their stories, even when the suggested changes could mean the difference between being published and not being published.   I am definitely not one of those writers.  I want to be published and I am willing to listen to any tips that might possibly make my writing better.

Suggestions for improving your writing are all around.  Other fellow writers, avid readers, friends and family can all be sources for improving your writing style.  You just have to figure out how to sift through the critiques and pick and choose where you might want to make changes.

Remember at the end of the day, month, year…however long it takes for you to produce your literary masterpiece, it is the opinion of those who can assist you in getting your work into the hands of the public that really matters.  So swallow your pride and listen up!